The Assad regime is gone – after anti-Assad rebels stormed their way into Damascus and ended an over five-decade long reign of terror and tyranny over the Syrian people. Syrians in and out of Syria took to the streets to celebrate the post-Assad era and finally breathe freedom.
As the military dynamics leading up to Assad’s fall evolved rapidly, the political landscape is continuously evolving. Notwithstanding the jubilation of the demise of the Assad regime, the question of what happens next is inescapable. What next for Syrian agency, and the various political, social and diplomatic processes that are required for Syria’s path forward?
What happens in Syria does not stay in Syria, as the Syrian civil war has devastatingly illustrated. What does this mean for the regional and respective regional actors? The fall of Assad is currently taking place against a regional backdrop of war in Gaza, rapprochement between regional powers – not to mention a new Trump administration only weeks away from inauguration.
Join us for this discussion where we have experts from Syria and the region to engage with the challenges and opportunities of the path forward for Syria.

Assaad al-Achi
Executive Director, Baytna Syria

Randa Slim
Senior Fellow and Director of Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues Program, Middle East Institute

Eyad Alrefai
Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, King Abdulaziz University

Aziz Alghashian
Director of Research and Senior Fellow, ORF Middle East